The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancy

infinite seaWe all know that The Fifth Wave was an amazing book, but could the second book live up to those expectations? Yes and no… The plot of the book was amazing, and there was a whole entire section written from Ringer’s point of view. I have been wanting that for so long because we never really got to know Ringer that well in the first book, even though we really like her. But, I feel like throughout the whole story, the problem with the “Others” didn’t progress much. They are still waiting for the Fifth Wave to hit, and they haven’t really learned anything new.

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World War Z by Max Brooks

Whwwzat happens after the world falls to a zombie apocalypse? Can humans retake it and how could they? Why did the apocalypse happen in the first place? These questions are answered in Max Brooks version of the world in World War Z.

The zombie apocalypse spread slowly from the East, overtaking country by country, because no one believed in a disease that could turn humans into the living dead. There weren’t any quarantines until it was too late, and the world was over run with zombies.  Continue reading

The 5th Wave by Rick Yancy

I knthe fifth wave.jpgow what you’re thinking, Ugh, another one of those horrible YA dystopian novels. They’re all the same. But this book isn’t another Hunger Games or another Divergent, the characters readers meet have depth and are developed extremely well and the book is also full of suspense.

Earth has been invaded by an alien species that seeks to destroy all humans in five waves. The 1st was an electromagnetic pulse that killed all the power. The 2nd was a giant earthquake that resulted in tsunamis. The 3rd was a deadly virus spread by birds, and the 4th was aliens actually invading the bodies of humans, so people couldn’t even trust each other anymore. Billions of people are dead, and the 5th wave has yet to be experienced.

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The Martian by Andy Weir

the martian

Hopefully you have all heard of this amazing book-turned-movie phenomenon about an astronaut that gets left on Mars and has to plant potatoes to survive. If you haven’t, I must be inclined to think that you live under a rock.

The book starts with Mark Watney, the main character, being stranded on Mars after their mission, Ares 3, takes a turn for the worse. He must find a way to survive on Mars until NASA figures out how to get him back to Earth.

Overall, this was a great book. I don’t read much sci-fi, but this is definitely one of the best books of this genre I have ever come across. The humor was on point and so was the science lingo. Andy Weir is not only a brilliant person who started working as a programmer at 15, but a great and funny writer. The only thing I have to say before you read this book is that there are a lot of human feces.

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