
I hope you can find your next favorite book through my book reviews, which are found under each of the different genre pages. I also review movies that have been adapted from books. Under my life, you will find my daily thoughts and rants and complaints. And PLS PLS PLS comment and share books that you enjoyed reading with me! I am always in need of more books to read.

cynthiaMy name is Cynthia, and I love love love to read! I will literally read anything fiction you put in front of me. I’ve thought about starting a blog to share my literary feats for a long time, and I’ve finally gotten around to doing it… Yay me!! I also like to express my sometimes very strong opinions through rants.

Being a high schooler, much of my time is spent binge watching TV, procrastinating, trying not to die, and studying, but I will try my absolute best to keep this blog updated.