Maximum Ride


There is a movie for Maximum Ride! How did I not know about this?


I will be back once I’ve watched it!


White Water Rafting!!!

I had so much fun today!!! You know how Father’s day was last week? Well, we weren’t able to celebrate it because we were on the plane back from Seattle that day, so we decided to move Father’s day to this Sunday.

I baked scones in the morning, but in the afternoon, we drove up to Idaho Springs and went rafting! It was so fun. I mean, the water was cold and we had to wear like a ton of gear, but it was great. There’s nothing like getting splashed with 40 degree water on a hot summer day!

Not to mention the fact that I accidentally fell into the water… Oops! It wasn’t my fault though, another raft pushed us to the side of the creek where we hit a rock. Good thing it didn’t happen during the rapids… That would not have ended well.

So at the end of a great day of rafting, I am proud to say that I was the only person who fell out of the raft. Yay me!!!

Also, sorry for not posting all of last week… I was being lazy. I will post some pictures from my trip to Seattle soon.


We left for vacation yesterday, and you know how you always feel like you’ve forgotten something? Well this time, I actually did. I forgot my phone. My phone! How does someone do that? Phone are like one of the basic physiological needs of humans! Air, water, food, shelter, and a phone! My snapchat streaks are gone, and I can’t listen to music, and I can’t do anything when I’m bored. I just have to sit there. I’m over it though, because my mom can bring my phone up with her once she comes to join us on Thursday. I really hope that she doesn’t forget too.

So, I’m up in Washington right now. The state, not the city, and you would not believe how cold it is… I’m in the Mt. Rainier National Park, and its like winter up here. It’s literally snowing, and I had to wear so many layers when we were hiking that I felt like a fat marshmallow. Despite it being so cold, it is really nice up here, and I’m glad we came.

Last night I stayed at this old ski lodge, and our room didn’t have a shower. Like no shower… at all… There was a bathtub and that’s it. Why??? Why won’t they let me clean all the airplane ick off? Now were staying at this little inn, and the bathroom is across the hall… I can’t take this anymore. At least tomorrow we’ll be at a normal hotel that has a bathroom and a shower in the actual room that we pay for.

Also, the internet up here sucks. There’s no cellular data, and the internet is really slow… How am I supposed to watch my TV shows now???

Okay, now that’s over with, I can start on the most interesting part of our trip so for. Since we were driving up to the national park, we rented a car. We had this really nice, new Grand Cherokee car that we got, and we were driving down the highway for about ten minutes when this giant Ram Pickup crashed into us from behind. The whole back window shattered, and my neck still hurts… At least the highway was really packed and there was traffic, so he crashed into us at a pretty slow speed. We just had to wait there for the police to come, and the rental car company would take 90 minutes to send someone to tow us back, so we had to drive back to them without a back window. The funniest part is that the company where my sister worked already had two car accident that day, and one was due to two raccoons(?) on the road. It was only fitting that we added to the count and made it three accidents.

Anyway, we’re all fine, and I’ll probably write more when I get faster internet… Grr…

Vegas Baby!!!

If you couldn’t figure it out, I’m in Vegas right now! Before I get into why I’m here and what I’m doing, I first wanted to say how much airplanes annoy me. The flight itself is fine, for me at least, but on every flight I’ve been on, there’s always that one flight attendant who talks down to you, or is really mean. Like today, I was on the plane with a large group of people, and one flight attendant kept yelling at us to sit in the exact seats that we were assigned. I mean, who actually stays in their seat if their friends and family are in another area? The airline was United btw… United also doesn’t have free wifi. I know that most planes don’t actually have wifi unless you pay for it, but the flight attendants kept telling us to connect to the wifi, making it seem like it was free.

Now I can tell you why I’m in Vegas. No, I’m not here to gamble or drink or elope; I’m here for a math competition. We loaded 40 Asian nerds on a plane to take place in the ARML (American Regional Math League) competition. We’re staying in dorm rooms at UNLV where we will eventually torture ourselves by doing about three hours of math. In addition to the math, it is 105 degrees Fahrenheit outside right now. Whenever I step outside, I can barely breathe. I’m really missing the weather in Colorado right now. I’m only here for two more days though, so maybe if I stay inside, I can have some fun with these unsocial people. (I know that I’m one of them but still…). Wish me luck!


OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went to IKEA yesterday with my family to get a new bookshelf to put in my room, and it is so beautiful!!!!! I now have all of my books in my room instead of in the basement where I never get to see them!!!

The shelf is sooooooooooo beautiful, and all of my books fit perfectly on it. Though in itself, that is a little bit of a problem, because I obviously have to get more books, and then there would be nowhere to put them. So the solution is to buy another shelf!!!!! I can’t wait! My room will be so crowded soon that I won’t be able to walk around in it, but that’s all okay if I can wake up and see my books right next to me!

I’m Back!!!!

OMG, finals week is almost over!!! Of course, I finished all of my finals already or else I wouldn’t be here. Today, I had my last final, where I had to act out a chapter of the Hunchback of Notre Dame in French. In FRENCH! I made such a fool of myself… but s’all good, I think I got a good grade. Doesn’t matter that everyone in my French class and a bunch of rising seniors saw my horrible performance.

Really, I’m just trying to reassure myself, but soon, school will be over, summer will be here, and I won’t have to socialize with anyone for three months!!

Of course, that’s a lie… I have to go volunteering three days a week, and I have to hang out with my friends. I guess I want to hang out with my friends, but it’s so hard, you know? Like I would have to change out of my pajamas, and get out of bed, and leave the house… *shudder.

Anyway, I have one more day of school, where I get to watch somebody else’s performance and them make a fool of themselves, then I am done! Done! I tell you, done! On Friday, I am going to stay in bed until 1:00 pm! Just watch me!



Hi people! I’m sorry to say that I won’t be blogging that much for the next two an a half weeks. Hopefully y’all are as sad as I am. I have a sh*t ton of work to do for school and finals. I have five finals, three final projects, and I’m only taking six courses this semester. How does that make any sense you ask? It doesn’t, that’s the answer.

Anyway, I will be off making sure that I don’t fail freshman year. I’ll see you on the other side if I don’t die first!


I probably should have written about this yesterday when the last Republican running other than Trump dropped out. I’m assuming that you’ve all heard about Ted Cruz dropping out two days ago and John Kasich dropping out yesterday morning.

I mean, we’ve known for a while, from the polls and completed primaries, that Trump was most likely to become the Republican presidential candidate. Cruz and Kasich dropping out just made it so much more real and final. Of course, it is assumed that Hillary will eventually win the presidency, but there is still a chance of Trump Nation.

I don’t understand why anyone would want to support Trump. This is probably because I live in an extremely liberal area. I’ve heard that some people support him because they like some of the policies he said he was going to implement. Hopefully, they aren’t referring to the infamous wall between Mexico and the US. Even if a few of his policies might make sense to some people, the statements that Donald J. Trump has said have offended and degraded every single person in the American population, excepting white males. It is no secret that Trump is racist and sexist, but what I find disconcerting is that so many people in the US don’t seem to have a problem with this. Voters for Trump don’t seem to care that he has said this about Mexican immigrants…

“They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”

He has no regard for prisoners and would sink to the level of ISIS as he says…

“In the Middle East, we have people chopping the heads off Christians, we have people chopping the heads off many other people. We have things that we have never seen before — as a group, we have never seen before, what’s happening right now. The medieval times — I mean, we studied medieval times — not since medieval times have people seen what’s going on. I would bring back waterboarding and I’d bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding.”

Not to mention, his constant objectification of women and implication that we are somehow lesser being through quotes such as..

“All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me – consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.”

“I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

His arrogance should also be a problem…

“My IQ is one of the highest — and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure; it’s not your fault.”

To the people who support some of his policies, I implore you to step back and look at this person you are supporting. He is racist, sexist, and arrogant, and he will ruin our country. Imagine Trump trying to manage foreign affairs, actually, scratch that, imagine him trying to manage domestic affairs. He would not “Make America Great Again”. He would have the power to crumble the US, and those of us who can’t vote yet, might not ever have a chance to ever again.


I am so excited for summer! Summer means no school and no finals and no grades. Have you seen the countdown on my page? I’m so close, yet so far…

I have three and a half more weeks of school and six finals. I swear, high school exists to kill all happiness and all laziness. I need to keep all of my borderline grades up for three weeks. I have a final project and a final in both Biology and French, a final project in LA, and finals in all of my other classes, even Gym. I mean, why do I need to have a final in Gym? Am I learning anything? No. Some of the things we do in school are absolutely pointless. I feel oppressed by high school. I’m seriously going to fall over and die one of these days.

Is the rest of life this hard? I hope not. I’ve heard that college is the time to slack off and have fun, but I don’t have very high hopes in case they get crushed. I hope I don’t have to graduate high school just to find that the rest of life is harder.

Woah… Productivity

I just spent the last three hours doing nothing but homework. I seriously think that this is the most productive I have been in months. People always tell me that I would feel accomplished and satisfied if I worked hard and finishing things, but I just feel tired right now. Okay I lied, I feel a little accomplished.

I also feel a little pissed. If I had to choose one thing that I hated most about my biology class or high school in general, it would be the group projects. Why do they even exist? Teachers say that we should split the work evenly, but let’s be real, there’s always one person who does more work. Sadly, that one person is almost always me. I don’t know why this is the case. I could just push-off the work to other people, and if would have to get done eventually. I don’t like relying on other people for my grade especially when I feel that I can do a better job. (I know what you thinking, and yes, sometimes even I think that I need to eat a slice of humble pie, but that doesn’t change my perspective).

Honestly, I think that high school would be so much better without group projects to suffer through. I love beings friends with the people in my group, but sometimes the working together part doesn’t work out. (Haha you see that I did there? Working together-work out? I’m so funny).

I wonder, is it hard for coworkers that are friends to work together as well? Maybe that’s another story, but I guess I’ll find out in about ten years or so. For now, congratulate me on my productivity as I go waste the rest of my day on YouTube. See ya!