Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas


HOLY MOTHER FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!! That. Book. Like. OMG. I. Words. No.

Sorry, I am sane. I can talk now. I was going to wait until I put up blog posts for the first four books before I wrote this one. But I can’t. I just finished, and holy fuck, shit just went down. Queen of Shadows was intense, but this was a whole new level of suspense. Sarah J. Maas just keeps getting better and better. I am addicted to both of her series, and I wish the next book would come out sooner…

After prying Rifthold out of the hands of the Valg in Queen of Shadows, Aelin, Rowan, Aedion, Lysandra, and Evangeline finally go to Terrasen to take back Aelin’s throne and prepare for the war against Erawan.

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Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch

snowlikeashesI am in love with any kind of fantasy, and this statement is still very true for Snow Like Ashes. In Primoria, the nation of Spring has taken over Winter and killed their queen. A group of survivors from the attack has been working for sixteen years to rebuild their kingdom. Their numbers have dwindled from 25 to 8, but they still strive to feel the cold of Winter again. The heroine, Meira is so strong  and badass. The love triangle has two really hot boys, although one of them is clearly way better than the other. *ahem Theron. The magic in this book is also really cool. It’s not like anything I’ve read before because it’s one person who can control the magic, but like everyone can have it. Rulers can transfer their power into their subjects so that they work together seamlessly. You can clearly tell by the end of this book that things are far from over, but there is at least some closure, and not one of those horrible cliffhangers.

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Passenger by Alexandra Bracken

passengerYou know, I am all for some star-crossed lovers from different time periods and a good book about time travel, but I have to say that I was disappointed by this book. I absolutely loved Alexandra Bracken’s The Darkest Minds , and I can’t believe I haven’t read the sequel, Never Fade, yet. The book starts out pretty well with the protagonist, a 17-year-old girl named Etta, getting thrown into another world, quite literally. She end’s up in 1776 on a ship after getting pulled from modern-day New York. She quickly learns that she comes from a family of time travelers, and she must journey across the world in different eras to save her mother.

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Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare

ladymidnightAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I was so excited to read this book!!!! I love Cassandra Clare. The Infernal Devices and the Mortal Instruments series were both so great, and I was really excited to hear about the Dark Artifices. This book was long, but that just meant that I was able to enjoy more of Cassandra Clare and her Shadowhunters.

This will contain spoilers of the Mortal Instruments and the Infernal Devices. If you haven’t read them, you should leave, and also, what are you thinking? Go find the City of Bones, and lose yourself in nine books of fantasy, romance, and awesome Shadowhunter fighting skills!

Clary, Jace, Simon, Isabelle, Alec, and Magnus have gone to hell and back and saved the world, but what happens after?

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The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski

thewinnerscurse The Winner’s Curse, by Marie Rutkoski is another book about star-crossed lovers. This in no way suggests that this is a bad book, because Rutkoski has inspiring and refreshing characters that bring the story to life.

After Kestrel, who is the daughter of the general of Valoria, buys Arin at a slave auction, they form a connection despite the circumstances. Unlike the other socialites who live around her, Kestrel still has respect for slaves. She values Arin’s opinion, and this is what brings them closer together. The two of them have a very complicated background that they must overcome because the Valorians, Kestrel’s people, defeated the Herrani, Arin’s people, in a war and enslaved them.

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